Isaiah 58 is proof positive that the greatest threat to God's people is not what's "out there," but always what's "in here." Chapters 56 and following, envision the people back home from Babylon, and even though their enemies have been defeated and they've returned to the land, the problem remains as close to home as ever. It’s the wayward and hearts beating in their chests. This proneness to wander is revealed in the compromised worship of the people. Isaiah 57 makes it clear that even after the collapse and comforting of Judah, the allure of idolatry remains and the people are going hard after what is false (57:9-10). God speaks to them in Isaiah 58 and says, "If only you were so sincere in true worship!" This brings us to the heart of the matter: we're all worshipers. It's not a question of IF we will worship but WHAT we will worship. Apart from Christ, that worship is ultimately directed at ourselves. But even for those in Christ, we're still prone to go through motions of religiosity, engage in overtly spiritual hypocrisy, and make worship about us (58:1-2). We must be uncompromising in keeping God as the goal and great reward of our worship. Trusting that as we do, it will result in true love toward our brothers, sisters, and neighbors and a proper enjoyment of all the rest of God's good gifts.