Comfort After Collapse


Just as predicted in Isaiah 39:5-7, the total collapse came. Everything fell apart because of Judah’s unfaithfulness and they find themselves in exile. Despairing, hopeless, and far from home and wondering if God is done with them. Into all this, God speaks a word of comfort. He’s never abandoned his people, and he never will. Judgment won’t have the last word. He stands ready and willing to comfort his people and bring them home again. Isaiah 40 comes to us as the good news of God's unfailing comfort in the midst of our catastrophic experiences of collapse - whatever they may look like. The times when we give up and stop running along the King's path. When we believe we're beyond restoration. When we've lost hope. When we've been crying out on the side of the road but it seems God has hidden his face and forgotten us. In all these moments and more, we take heart that even as we may collapse, the King’s path never does. Even as we grow weary, God never does. Even as we compromise and collapse, God will never compromise on his commitment to his people.


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