An Uncompromisingly Free Offer


Isaiah 53 foretold the saving work of the Suffering Servant. Isaiah 54 announced God's unbreakable promise of uncompromising love in the New Covenant. Chapter 55 answers the question, “But who’s invited to receive the benefits of the Servant’s death and enter into blessings of the covenant?” In this chapter, God throws the greatest party ever. An abundant banquet and soul-satisfying feast. But what kind of people will he fill the room with? Contrary to what we might expect, he calls the thirsty, broke, tired, and compromised through sin to “come” and enter in! To “buy and eat” “without money and without price.” He welcomes the people of Israel and all the nations of the world to “run to” his Risen and Exalted King - who in his death has paid our cost of entry and satisfied the banquet price. To quit their striving to be the “right kind” of person to earn a seat at the table. To stop spending their money, time, and life laboring after that which will never satisfy. To turn from their sin and turn to Jesus Christ - the One who’s paid the price. The King who extends this uncompromisingly free offer and guarantees it through his uncompromisingly powerful word. Just as the rain falls from the heavens and causes the earth to spring forth with fruit, so his word will accomplish what it was sent forth to do. He will not fail to make good on his promise, to extend forgiveness, and bring the dead to life. As a church, would we trust that God’s word will do the work: to make us more and more like the Glorious Host of that great party, and bring our neighbors into the celebration as well.


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