The Uncompromising Path Will Be Worth It In The End


Isaiah 25-27 was a glimpse of heaven. Chapter 35 is the journey to get there. A pilgrimage that begins in the desert and ends in a garden. But on the way to anywhere worth going, we wonder if it’s worth getting there - especially when we're walking through the wilderness! Traveling through the inhospitable desert of our current cultural moment where it's harder than ever to be an ordinary Christian. It would be far easier to abandon Christ and go back to Egypt. To give up on the Promised Land we’re headed toward and live like this life and this world is all there is. To become overcome with doubt whether we'll make it to the destination after all. To become distracted by the troubles that we face and lose sight of where we’re going. Isaiah 35 assures the "anxious heart," stuck in the thick of the wilderness and scurrying about with all these thoughts, that we have a King who will surely bring us home, we won’t be disappointed when we get there, and can enjoy the journey all along the way.