Youth Ministry

Beginning March 2nd, young adults from 7th-12th grade will gather for a bi-monthly book club, complete with snacks, games, and all the riches of Christian fellowship. They’ll kick things off by reading & discussing C.S. Lewis’ classic, Mere Christianity together.


To help you prepare to send your students & pray for God to bear fruit through this ministry, check out the details below:

  • Who it’s for: 7th-12th graders from Cross of Grace & invited by the members & youth of Cross of Grace.

  • When & Where: 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month at 6:30pm at Hopper & Burr in DTSA.

  • Leadership: Truman & Katie Severson and Christian & Kara Davis will lead the Youth Ministry alongside other faithful, trusted, and MinistrySafe trained adults in the church.

  • Why: Our Youth Ministry exists to come alongside the parents of Cross of Grace to promote the discipleship of our youth by:

    1) Hosting discussions around good books that shape hearts, minds, and souls,

    2) Helping our youth think wisely and deeply about living God’s way in God’s world,

    3) Building intergenerational relationships with adult members within the church, and

    4) Providing an intellectually challenging and socially stimulating context for our youth to invite their non-Christian friends