In this final sermon of Isaiah, we looked forward to the future that awaits all those who’ve trusted in Christ. That day when his reign - which is presently expanding across the earth - will be perfectly realized in a new heavens and new earth. We come to the end of the story in which the city of that began in ruins (1:7-8), is now completely restored and filled with rejoicing forevermore (65:17-18). We arrive at that Great Day when all our compromise will be no more. When the struggle with sin will be over. When we’ll live in the fullness of all that Christ died and rose again to bring us into. It will be a time when it's no longer harder than ever to be an ordinary Christian. But instead, it will be better than ever to be God's people, and every one of them will be glorious. Joy will abound. Sin and sadness will be no more. Peace will reign supreme. And we’ll do nothing but live in God's world, God's way. To his eternal glory and our everlasting good.