In this scene, Jesus practices exactly what he preached in 10:35-45. Here we see the road to the cross and the true nature of the cross come to be further impressed upon those who follow after Jesus. On the last leg of the journey to Jerusalem, Jesus brings the royal caravan that had formed to a screeching halt as he stops to heal a blind beggar. The Son of Man who would be welcomed with honor in Jerusalem delays his grand reception in order to meet the needs of a man the group had concluded was not worth their time. Jesus has come precisely to serve people like this. Those who behold their need is great but believe that Jesus is greater. Bartimaeus didn't ask for glory. He just wanted to see SO THAT he might follow after Jesus. Following Jesus is what he wants. Following Jesus - yes even to the cross - is his reward. In this healing, we're challenged to consider how we'd answer the question, "What do you want me to do for you?"