Cross-Shaped Marriage


On the heels of teaching humility, we journey with Jesus into an arena in which humility is much required: marriage. Jesus arrives in Judea and is thrown a controversial question by the Pharisees: "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?" (10:2). Jesus answers the question about whether it is permissible to break a marriage covenant by expanding the conversation to hold out God's good and wise design in the marriage covenant. A design that goes all the way back to the beginning (Gen 1-2). A design that points to the great end for which God created the world: that his Son would have a bride. In the Old Covenant, God made an exception for man’s hardness of heart. Under the New Covenant, God’s highest intention for marriage is fulfilled in Christ’s unbreakable union with the Church (Eph 5:22-32). A union made possible by the cross - so that we could rightly say the true meaning of marriage is shaped by the cross. In the cross-shaped marriage, Jesus' marriage becomes the model and motivation for our own. His sacrificial love softens the hardness of our hearts toward our spouses. His undying faithfulness spurs on those tempted toward unfaithfulness. 

If after listening to last Sunday’s sermon, you’d like to spend more time studying the topic of marriage, divorce and remarriage in the Bible, here are some suggested resources for you:


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