Why Did Jesus Come to Die?


In Mark 10:32-45, we come to the single most important verse in the Gospel of Mark. Prior to this point, it's been made abundantly clear that Jesus will die. But the crucial question that remains to be clearly answered is "Why?" Why must the Messiah suffer and die at the hands of men? What does his death mean? Our all-important verse answers these questions. But, in order for us to reach the top of Calvary's hill and take in the astounding accomplishment of the cross, we must first journey along with the disciples to the cross. The meaning of Christ's death is explained in the context of James & John's endeavor to become men of greatness and reign in glory. But what does it mean to be truly great? According to Christ, the great ones sacrifice. The foundation and fuel for living this kind of sacrificial life is the sacrificial death of Christ. The Son of Man "who was given dominion and glory, that ALL peoples, nations, and languages should serve him," (Dan 7:14) "came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" (10:45). And here we come to the heart of the gospel and meaning of the cross. Jesus says it himself: "I won't just die, I'll die for you."

Listen to the sermon HERE

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