Several weeks ago, we asked you to pray for Emily Jones as she made her way to Santander, Spain to get to know the city and spend time with the leaders of a new church plant - Iglesia Gracia Soberana de Santander. A church led by Norman Pedd that is in the process of adoption into our family of churches. A church that Emily just might be called to go join in 2025.
This past Sunday, she had an opportunity to bring us in on how the Lord met her on this two week exploratory trip. Read her report below, enjoy some pictures she shared, and be encouraged that God is at work to spread the joy of Jesus all the way from Santa Ana to Santander.
Good morning, Church,
Wow, I really wrestled with what to say when writing this all out. It's really hard to properly summarize the conversations, the laughter, the views, the people, the city, the feelings, the works of God, & honestly just the whole trip.
To say that the last 2 weeks were amazing really does no justice, but I'm also pretty sure ya'll wouldn't appreciate a minute by minute dictation either.
An easy place to start is in gratitude. I do want to thank everyone for their support toward my trip whether that was through prayer, finances, and rides. To Pastor Jeff for all of the counseling leading up to my trip, and the meetings and godly advice I know is coming in the days ahead as we sort through everything.
While on my trip, I had 3 main objectives. Get to know the Pedds (The church-planting family) and the church, scope out possible job opportunities, and get a feel for the real life and community of Santander. When it came to getting to know the Pedds, God richly blessed our time together and they graciously opened their home to me and my friend Valentina. Every night, we had dinner together, laughed, shared testimonies, looked through old photo albums, shared the ways God was at work in our cities, made jokes, and so much more. I was especially grateful to have Valentina during conversations as she always asks very thoughtful questions which prompted a lot of good conversation. We also got to host Barbara & Norman's second ever Thanksgiving at their own house with some of their old friends. That was a very fun time and we enjoyed the ingredient swap challenge as we figured out what the stores did offer. From our conversations, I'm especially grateful for their vulnerability in sharing God's work in and through their stories, and for the opportunities for Norman and I to really sit down and talk through his vision, what church is, and how I would fit into all of it. Their faithfulness to the church plant and God's leading is so beautiful and encouraging. They truly are a city set on a hill in Renedo - the actual location of the church, and faithful laborers to what God has put in front of them.
As for jobs, we were bounced around from recommendation to recommendation throughout the 2 weeks, but I can totally see God's hand in that as He narrowed me in on what looks to be a promising English Assistant job through the government.
For the last objective, the community feel, Valentina & I tromped the length and breadth of the 3 miles belovedly known as Santander and had so much fun! We learned a lot about the local history, met many wonderful people who said they hope to see me next year, ate some good food, joined a run club that has 70 members, splashed in the ocean, and overall got a very good feel of what it is to live in Santander.
Now though that's just a taste of everything I could tell you, I hope this peaks your interest into this possible gospel expansion that I/we may get to be a part of. Personally, I'm feeling very good about this opportunity, but there are a lot more meetings & steps in my future as we discern God's leading. Prayers for this next stage of leaning into God's call on my life & for wisdom as the team pastors me in this would be so appreciated! And feel to always ask me questions about where I'm at in the whole process!!!