We’re all longing for peace. But, if we’re honest, peace is not our normal experience. According to the story of Scripture, the whole history of mankind has been one of trying and failing to be at peace with God, with each other, and with ourselves. But at Christmas, God himself comes to us from heaven in order to bring true and lasting peace on earth. Charles Spurgeon sums up the story of the world and declares the wonder of Christmas by saying, "There had been no peace on earth since Adam fell. But, now, when the new-born King made His appearance, the swaddling-band with which He was wrapped up was the white flag of peace. That manger was the place where the treaty was signed, whereby warfare should be stopped between man's conscience and himself, and between man's conscience and his God." Our search for peace ends when we find it in the person of Jesus Christ. The promise of Christmas becomes ours when we welcome the Peacemaker into our lives (Lk 2:14).