Posts in Sermons
Easter Sunday 2018

Listen To The Sermon Here

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the most significant events in the history of mankind. Why? Because without a risen Jesus, not one person on earth could have any hope of life beyond the grave. This Easter Sunday, Sovereign Grace Church of Santa Ana celebrated that we have believed and been saved by a living Savior, who not only lives, but reigns, is coming back, stands as our assurance of new and everlasting life and will finally eradicate death from among His Creation. It was a joy to celebrate Easter together. 

Listen to the sermon out of 1 Corinthians 15:12-34 to be reminded of these joy-inspiring truths. 

Also, take a look at some pictures below of our first annual Easter Sunday. 

SermonsKyle Houlton
The Violence of Christians Toward Sin

Be Killing Sin Or It Will Be Killing You

Listen To The Sermon Here

On Sunday, we continue our series in the book of Colossians with a sermon out of Colossians 3:5-11, where Paul reminds his readers that, having been raised with Christ, Christians must "put off" the sin that remains. However, he doesn't merely tell us to put it off; he tells us to kill it. Through this passage, God reminds us of His disposition toward sin and how magnificent Christ is in comparison to that sin. 

See below for additional resources on the passage and on the subject. 

SermonsKyle Houlton
If Then You Have Been Raised With Christ ...

Listen To The Sermon Here

We had yet another opportunity to hear God's Word preached from one of our very own. We know him as a man who loves his wife and children and who loves his Savior. He also loves God's Word and his church and both came through on Sunday evening as Christopher Erkelens reminded us from Colossians 3:1-4 what sort of identity, mentality and destiny result from having been raised with Christ. It's worth the listen. We're grateful for men and women who step up and serve for the upbuilding of the Church.

SermonsKyle Houlton
Do You Want To Know Who You Are?

You Cannot Know Yourself Truly Apart From Who You Are In Relation TO God

In the middle of a brief break from the book of Colossians, we opened up our Bibles together to Psalm 139. We encountered a psalmist, David himself, who asked God to search him, knowing full well what God would find wickedness. Find out how and why David would make such a request of God and how he could even have the audacious hope to, as a result, be "led in the way everlasting". 

SermonsKyle Houlton
God, Our Hope

A Sunday in Santa Ana With a Man From The Other Side of the Globe, Being Trained on the Other Side of the Country

Listen to the message Here

This past Sunday, we had the pleasure of hearing God's Word preached from Riley Spring. Riley and his wife both hail from Sydney, Australia. But they currently find their home in Louisville, Kentucky. Their home church and a church dear to us, Sovereign Grace Sydney, has sent Riley  to be trained and equipped for pastoral ministry at the Sovereign Grace Pastor's College. His time there has clearly been effective; he served us well as he reminded us from Isaiah 40 of the God who is both mighty and merciful in the midst of our suffering. 

Please pray for Riley as he finishes up his year at the Pastors College. Riley also hopes and aspires to be used by God to do something that we can really get behind: to plant another Gospel-proclaiming church. Pray also that God would give Riley and his wife clear direction, guidance and courage as they get closer and closer to planting a church in Parramatta, Australia. 

SermonsKyle Houlton
Jesus - Your Best Life Now

As you received Christ at first, walk in Him Now - He's not broken

Listen To The Message Here

We love it when we get the chance to learn from one another; when we're discipled by our friends. This last Sunday, we had the opportunity to hear God's Word preached by Jeff Schleider. As he taught from Colossians 2:6-15, we were reminded that Christians need Jesus as we continue our walk just as much as we needed Him at the beginning of our walk. He alone gives us our best life no matter where - or when - we are. 

SermonsKyle Houlton
Demonstrating The Mystery To Our Neighbors

It is our joy that our neighbors might see in us the suffering of Christ for them.

Listen to the message here. 

As we continued our series in Colossians - a book concerning the new life of a small church in Colossae - we discovered this last week just how much the new life of this church was worth to Paul, the author of Colossians. In Colossians 1:24-2:5, we find that it was worth every bit of suffering that he had experienced. Listen to the message to find out not only why, but also how Paul is able to say "I rejoice in my sufferings ..."

SermonsKyle Houlton
"Allow Me To Reintroduce Jesus To You ..."


Listen To The Message Here

This past Sunday, we continued our series in the book of Colossians with Col. 1:15-23 and learned what is the best safeguard against the problems of this life: an intelligent appreciation of the doctrine of Christ. In layman's terms? A deeper understanding of who Jesus is. Jesus is the Creator, Sustainer, Head and Reconciler of all things. The more well-acquainted we are with His reality, the more equipped we are to face the problems we'll encounter in our lives. 

SermonsKyle Houlton
Thank God For Your Brothers and Sisters

God Is At Work Through The Gospel In Every Christian You Know

This last Sunday, we opened up a new preaching series in Colossians together and discovered, what, of all things he could say, were the Apostle Paul's first words to the church at Colossae. As was Paul's pattern, we learned that giving thanks to God for the evidence of His grace at work through the Gospel took priority of place. This pattern and priority helps us to know how we ought to address one another. 

SermonsKyle Houlton