God, Our Hope

A Sunday in Santa Ana With a Man From The Other Side of the Globe, Being Trained on the Other Side of the Country

Listen to the message Here

This past Sunday, we had the pleasure of hearing God's Word preached from Riley Spring. Riley and his wife both hail from Sydney, Australia. But they currently find their home in Louisville, Kentucky. Their home church and a church dear to us, Sovereign Grace Sydney, has sent Riley  to be trained and equipped for pastoral ministry at the Sovereign Grace Pastor's College. His time there has clearly been effective; he served us well as he reminded us from Isaiah 40 of the God who is both mighty and merciful in the midst of our suffering. 

Please pray for Riley as he finishes up his year at the Pastors College. Riley also hopes and aspires to be used by God to do something that we can really get behind: to plant another Gospel-proclaiming church. Pray also that God would give Riley and his wife clear direction, guidance and courage as they get closer and closer to planting a church in Parramatta, Australia. 

SermonsKyle Houlton