Our Next Sermon Series

Waiting on God in the Wilderness

Like it or not, these last few months have been a departure from the stability and prosperity that has characterized America this past decade. It’s also been a time unlike any the Church has faced in nearly a century. It’s been difficult. Confusing. Even painful at times. Like walking through a wilderness.

It might surprise you, but “the wilderness” is a strong theme that’s carried through the storyline of Scripture. The nation of Israel, individuals like Moses and David, even Jesus Himself and the Apostle Paul had significant and prolonged experiences wandering painfully and even sometimes seemingly aimlessly through a literal wilderness. But in every single wilderness experience, God was up to something. Something Good. Something redemptive. Something transformative.

Over these next six weeks, we’re going to ask God to direct our eyes to Him through His Word as we reflect on this past season of wilderness and find out just what He might be up to in our city, in our church and in our lives.

How Can I Prepare?

Pray for God to work powerfully through His Word

Read this article about another wilderness wanderer - Elijah - to whet your appetite

Read the Book of Exodus this month

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