How to Pray for Others This Week

We Want to Keep Praying for You

Keep sending us your prayer requests. We’re so used to knowing one another’s needs through experiencing regular fellowship. While the state begins to open up and we are able to meet in person again, we still want be lifting our brothers and sisters up in prayer. It’s important to know how to pray for one another and to ask the Lord to guide us, sustain us and encourage us each individually in this season. Here are the prayer requests from this past week (anonymity is maintained):

  1. Pray for peace in our city

  2. Pray for those experiencing genuine oppression and prejudice

  3. Pray for Police Officers working to protect our city

  4. Pray that the Lord would lead any of us harboring sin - whether racial prejudice or any other kind - toward repentance and faith in Christ

  5. Pray for those moving into new homes

  6. Pray for those with current health issues

  7. Pray for those starting new jobs and those in need of work

  8. Pray for wisdom for our leadership as they continue to make difficult decisions

  9. Pray for Simon as he continues to battle cancer

  10. Pray for those caring for babies and small children

  11. Pray for the requests of individuals who have shared them on our church Slack prayer channel. If you have questions about how to be added to this, email


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