June Book of the Month

Uncommon Ground by Tim Keller and John Inazu

June’s book of the month is “Uncommon Ground: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference” by Tim Keller and John Inazu.

How Do I Live Faithfully When I’m Surrounded by Difference?

For a flavor of this excellent book, consider this quote from its pages:

Tolerance is a practical enduring of beliefs and practices that we do not share. It doesn’t mean accepting those beliefs or approving those practices. I fact, the demand for acceptance is a philosophical impossibility. Every one of us holds views about important matters that others find clearly misguided. There is no way that anyone can embrace all the differing and mutually incompatible beliefs. But we can do the hard work of distinguishing people from ideas, of pursuing relationships with people created in God’s image, while recognizing that we will not approve of all their beliefs or actions. Christians can demonstrate tolerance for others because our love of neighbor flows from our love of God and our love of God is grounded in the Truth of the Gospel …

You’ll find references in these pages to many issues that divide us, but no issue emerges more prominently than that of race … We have found in speaking and writing to various Christian audiences that few issues have generated more controversy or required more understanding than those related to race. Moreover, we believe that few issues of social division today are more significant for the church and for society. Christians are unlikely to find a way forward in our pluralistic society without more honestly confronting the issues of race that divide us and the society around us.

Purchase the book in English here.

Purchase the Ebook here.

This book has not yet been translated into Spanish.