The Timeless Shock Absorbers of the Church


Acts 6:1-7 describes a scenario that might even come off as your average, everyday messy scenario of a local church trying to mercifully meet tangible needs, but running into issues along the way. These are the kinds of things, though, that can derail a church - not to say that administration, mercy ministry and the like are unimportant. However, when pastors, who have been called by God to teach and shepherd the church make these everyday issues a priority over leading and teaching the church, problems can arise. So, how can a church ensure that these important needs are met? Through deacons. Literally translated, “one who serves” a deacon is a servant’ hearted individual who is called and qualified according to 1 Tim. 3:8-13 to serve the church and act as a shock absorber to the church and in particular, its pastors. Want to know more about deacons and what our plans are as a church to install our very first deacons?

Listen to this week’s sermon here.

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