Pray for Jeff's Oral Ordination Exam

Since April 2020, Jeff has been serving as a Pastoral Resident at our church. Throughout the past few years, Jeff has been engaged in a process to become what he and, now we as a church, believe God has called him to be: a pastor at Sovereign Grace Church of Santa Ana.

The process has been long and difficult, but the Lord has given him grace along the way and proven him in his gifting. After multiple tests and papers, thousands of pages of books read, an internship and a residency, he’s taking the last step this Saturday.


This Saturday, Jeff will be sitting before a panel of Sovereign Grace pastors and taking a rigorous 14-question oral exam. If he passes and the Regional Assembly of Elders approves his ordination, we’ll be officially ordaining him as a church within the next few months. First things first, though. Let’s pray for him as he prepare for this Saturday.:

  • Pray for peace and clarity for Jeff as he takes this final test.

  • Pray for Taylor and Otto as they come alongside Jeff to help him prepare and serve.

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