God Protects The Poor

God Will Not Allow Oppression of the Lowly To Go Unpunished

Continuing on in our sermon series through the Minor Prophet book of Micah, Jeff Schlieder preached the second message in the series from Micah 3:1-12. Through the book of Micah, God wants to elevate your attitude toward the lowly. In this particular passage, He does this by reminding of the judgment that awaits those who prey on the lowly. While this is a sweet comfort to those under the weight of oppression, it’s also a call to repentance to those who knowingly extract and extort from the poor for their own personal gain.

For anyone who falls in the latter category, which, at the end of the day turns out to be all of us, the remedy is to repent of that sin and turn to Christ, who, though He was rich, yet became poor for our sake.

Listen to the message here.

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