September Book of the Month: New Morning Mercies (Nuevas Misericordias Cada Mañana) by Paul David Tripp

By recommending a new book every month, we’re recommending resources to you that help you to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Pet. 3:18). You do not have to purchase or read these books. They’re mere recommendations to assist you in choosing good books that help you to make the best use of the precious time you have.

September’s book of the month is New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp is a 365 day devotional designed to acquaint you with the mercy of God that’s available to His children every single day through the finished work of Jesus Christ. We need to be reminded of our need for God’s mercy. This devotional does just that.

Pick it up in English here.

Pick it up in Spanish here.

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