This past Sunday marked the beginning of our summer sermon series, "The Beauty of the Church.” 6 weeks. 6 pastors. 6 reasons why we love the local church. This is a sermon series for those who: struggle to see the qualities of the church, tirelessly serve within her ministries, are dismayed by her apparent failures, have been “burnt” by the church, who have rare, unsustainable glimpses of her beauty, and at bottom, are most focused upon what the church does for us and not who she is. And when we ask the question, “Who is the church?” the foremost biblical response is, “The beautiful bride of Christ.” Acts 20:28 tells us why she’s beautiful. Because she is the “church of God,” whom God, the most beautiful of all, has chosen to reflect his glory to the world. Because she’s been made beautiful through cross of Christ, ransomed “with his own blood,” to magnify the grace, beauty, and love of her bridegroom. Learn to see the church as Jesus sees her and listen to the sermon here.