Posts in Book of the Month
February Book of the Month

Bible Doctrine: Essential Teachings of the Christian Faith by Wayne Grudem

Doctrina Biblica: Enseñanzas Esenciales de la Fe Cristiana por Wayne Grudem

By recommending a new book every month, we’re recommending resources to you that help you to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Pet. 3:18). It is not required that you purchase or read these books. They’re mere recommendations to assist you in choosing good books that help you to make the best use of the precious time you have.

A “Systematic Theology” For The Everyday Christian

February’s book of the month is “Bible Doctrine: Essential Teachings of the Christian Faith” by Wayne Grudem. This book is a “systematic theology” book. “What does that mean?”, you ask. Systematic theology answers “what does the Bible teach about (____) subject?”, brings together all of the passages regarding that subject and provides you with a clear and oftentimes simple way to understand what can often be difficult teachings or doctrines of the Christian faith. What does the Bible teach about the Trinity, spiritual gifts, salvation, the Son of God, the Church, angels and demons, holiness, or the end times? You’ll find helpful answers grounded in the Scriptures to all of these questions and more. To learn more about what systematic theology is, click here. Whether you consider yourself a scholar or not, this is the kind of book every Christian should own and regularly refer back to. Mercifully, this particular systematic theology is an abridged version of Wayne Grudem’s original Systematic Theology.

It’s still admittedly a large book, but every page will enrich your mind with the wonder of God’s Word.

Purchase the book in English here.

Purchase the book in Spanish here.

January Book of the Month

A Meal with Jesus by Tim Chester

Hospitalidad Evangélica and Cómo practicar la hospitalidad bíblica por la Coalición Evangélica

By recommending a new book every month, we’re recommending resources to you that help you to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Pet. 3:18). You do not have to purchase or read these books. They’re mere recommendations to assist you in choosing good books that help you to make the best use of the precious time you have.

January’s book of the month is “A Meal with Jesus” by Tim Chester. As we head into 2020 as a church, we’re making a concerted effort toward inviting our neighbors into our homes and into our lives. This book provides a Biblical basis for the practice of hospitality and describes how the simple act of sharing a meal together with our neighbors positions us to share the joy of Jesus.

“A Meal With Jesus” has not yet been translated into Spanish, so for our Spanish speakers, we are recommending two articles from the Gospel Coalition.

Purchase the book in English here.

Read the Spanish Articles Here and Here.

December Book of the Month

Good News of Great Joy (Buenas Nuevas de Gran Gozo) by John Piper

By recommending a new book every month, we’re recommending resources to you that help you to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Pet. 3:18). You do not have to purchase or read these books. They’re mere recommendations to assist you in choosing good books that help you to make the best use of the precious time you have.

December’s book of the month is Good News of Great Joy ( Buenas Nuevas De Gran Gozo) by John Piper. This is an advent devotional for you to use with your family that is reminder of the good news of Jesus’s coming to earth. The other good news about this book is that it is available for FREE PDF download in both English & Spanish! Download a copy today and take some time to dig into this advent reading this Christmas season.

Download the book in English here.

Download the book in Spanish here.

November Book of the Month

Crazy Busy (Súper Ocupados) by Kevin DeYoung

By recommending a new book every month, we’re recommending resources to you that help you to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Pet. 3:18). You do not have to purchase or read these books. They’re mere recommendations to assist you in choosing good books that help you to make the best use of the precious time you have.

November’s book of the month is Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung. This book is a “mercifully short” book about a problem that most of us in our current day and age face. Busyness, although often perceived as and equated with productivity and fruitfulness, is in reality a threat to our joy and our hearts if you’re busy with the wrong things and if not coupled with Biblical rhythms of rest. If you’re busy, you need to read this book.

Pick it up in English here.

Pick it up in Spanish here.

September Book of the Month: New Morning Mercies (Nuevas Misericordias Cada Mañana) by Paul David Tripp

By recommending a new book every month, we’re recommending resources to you that help you to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Pet. 3:18). You do not have to purchase or read these books. They’re mere recommendations to assist you in choosing good books that help you to make the best use of the precious time you have.

September’s book of the month is New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp is a 365 day devotional designed to acquaint you with the mercy of God that’s available to His children every single day through the finished work of Jesus Christ. We need to be reminded of our need for God’s mercy. This devotional does just that.

Pick it up in English here.

Pick it up in Spanish here.

Latest, Book of the MonthGuest User
July's Book of the Month: How To Read The Bible For All Its Worth (Lectura Eficaz De La Biblia) by Douglas Stuart & Gordon Fee

Pick It Up On Amazon For Under $15

The Bible is inspired by God - literally written by God and conveying to us us the very mind of God. It’s a well of riches and truth with no end. On the other hand, the Bible is intended to be read and understood. By everybody. If you’re unsure how to start reading the Bible, if you’ve ever struggled to understand the Bible or if you simply need a refresher on the wonder of the Bible, this book is for you. It’s available in both English and Spanish.

Get the English version here.

Get the Spanish version here.

June's Book of the Month: The Gospel by Ray Ortlund (El Evangelio escrito por Ray Ortlund)

An Easy And Worthwhile Read

We see reading as a valuable way to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Pet. 3:18). We want to point you in the direction of books that help you to know God and inspire you to love God and your neighbor.

This month’s book is The Gospel by Ray Ortlund. It’s an accessible book at just over 100 pages, yet a book that will help you understand the contours of the Gospel and understand its application in your life and in the church.

Buy it in English on Amazon

Cómpralo en Español en Amazon

(Please contact pastors for scholarship information if purchasing this book presents financial hardship)