The Whole Story of Holiness


In order to be an uncompromising church, we must be holy as God is holy. Separated from sin and devoted to God's purposes. Yet, all too often, when it comes to holiness, we focus only upon what we shouldn't do. What doesn't belong in the house. But that's only half the story of holiness. As Isaiah 6:8-13 demonstrates, we've not just been cleansed from sin but cleansed for service. In other words, God wants us to really live in his house. He wants us to enjoy life in his presence. To feel at home with holiness. And to have Christian lives not simply marked by the absence of sin, but the fullness of giving ourselves to God’s purposes. Honoring what he honors, loving what he loves, living in glad reception of his good gifts, and eagerly offering ourselves as his instruments to bless and build up our families, our church, and our neighbors, and to be witnesses to the gospel.