The Means of Grace: The Word of God
Of all the means of grace, there's one that does the heaviest lifting. One all the others point back to, respond to, and revolve around. One that does the primary work involved in making us more like Christ: the word of God. When it comes to God's appointed means to change us, it's the word that does the work. Above all else, 1 Peter 1:22-2:3 teaches us the work the word performs is to give life. Spiritual life. True life. Eternal life. The life in which we take up the means of grace. And the conviction, renewal, power, understanding, and help to live that Christian life. All of this comes through hearing, reading, and receiving the word of God. In Jesus Christ - the incarnate Word of God who has done the work to save us. In the gospel - the good news of his salvation. And in the Scriptures - God’s written words which reveal who Jesus is and all his gospel means.