Posts tagged Latest
*UPDATED 3/11/21* - A Comprehensive List of Resources To Give To Your Struggling Neighbors


If you or your neighbors are facing medical, financial, food-related, or any other kind of challenges due to the coronavirus outbreak, here’s your one-stop shop of resources available to residents of Santa Ana and throughout Orange County. We will update this list on a weekly basis to keep you up to date on all available resources.

COVID-19 Community Resources

CGSA Neighbor Relief Program - Neighbor Relief — Cross of Grace Santa Ana 

An emergency relief effort of Cross of Grace Santa Ana, first, for the sake of members of our church and secondarily, for the sake of neighbors who have a connection to our church. Funds have been made available to assist those whose regular income has been affected by the coronavirus to the extent that provision of food and payment of essential utilities has become an acute hardship. 

Santa Ana Resources

Santa Ana 65+ Residents COVID Vaccine Access - Call Latino Health Access at 714-805-7838 to schedule a vaccination appointment today

Santa Ana CARES - 714-667-2273 - COVID-19 Resources - A one-stop shop for a wide range of community resources for Santa Ana residents 

Santa Ana Residents Rental Assistance - - Enter your information to determine eligibility.

COVID-19 testing at Santa Ana College - ​ or call 800-446-8888

Eviction prevention for low-income residents - ​ or call 211

Rental assistance and business resources - 

Blueprint for a Safer Economy - Blueprint for a Safer Economy - Coronavirus COVID-19 Response - Up to date information on “where” we’re at in state re-opening process at the county level. Type in “Orange” in the “County” textbox to check on the status of activities in the county. 

Medical Assistance

  • COVID-19 Vaccination Resources - COVID-19 Vaccine Resources | Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) The latest news on vaccine distribution and availability.

  • Othena Testing & Vaccination App - Use the Othena App to locate and schedule vaccination appointments as they become available for your tier-group.

  • COVID-19 Testing and Screening - FDA Approved testing in OC COVID-19 Testing, 2020 - By appointment only. No out of pocket cost but your insurance may be billed later. 

  • Santa Ana COVID-19 Testing - AltaMed-Santa Ana Bristol - 888-499-9303 for appointment. 2720 S. Bristol St. #104, Santa Ana; Mon - Sat, 9am - 3pm

  • Additional Testing in Buena Park, Orange, & San Juan Capistrano - 888-634-1123  COVID-19 Test Registration 

  • COVID-19 Hotline - 714-834-2000 

General questions regarding COVID-19

  • Health Referral Hotline - 800-564-8448

The Orange County Health Care Agency has established a Health Referral Hotline to call if you suspect you have COVID-19 symptoms or have questions about the virus.

Financial Assistance

  • Emergency Rental Assistance Program for OC Renters - - Enter your information to determine eligibility. Excludes residents of Anaheim, Santa Ana, and Irvine. 

  • Protections for Renters - The CARES Acts (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) provides certain protections from eviction and late fees due to nonpayment of rent for most tenants in federally subsidized or federally backed housing.

Protections for renters

  • Rental/Utility Assistance - Salvation Army of OC - 714-384-0481 

    • Santa Ana Office - 1710 West Edinger Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92703

    • Other cities served: Fullerton, La Habra, Yorba Linda, Brea, Placentia, Buena Park - 714-451-8080; Anaheim and Villa Park - 714-783-2344

  • Rental/Utility Assistance - Share Our Selves - 949-270-2100

Financial Assistance

  • Rental/Utility Assistance - Serving People In Need (SPIN) - 714-751-1101

Latest News for COVID-19 response; Programs for those in need

  • Rental/Utility/Misc. Assistance - St. Vincent de Paul in Orange County - 714-542-0448 The Society of St. Vincent De Paul OC

    • 1505 East Seventeenth Street Suite #109, Santa Ana, CA 92705 

    • St. Vincent de Paul provides home visits, hospital visits, food pantries and grocery distribution, financial aid for utilities, medication, household items, rent assistance, temporary housing (motel voucher), transportation (bus passes, gasoline), and clothing. 

For those who have experienced job-layoffs or a reduction in hours/pay:

Additional State-sponsored assistance:

  • OC Social Services Agency - How to Apply - To apply for various aid/relief programs such as CalFresh (food stamps), CalWorks (homeless, diversion, and immediate need assistance), and General Relief (temporary cash assistance to adults without children).

Job Opportunities - for those in need of employment due to lay-offs or temporary furlough

Childcare Assistance

Mental Health Assistance

Senior Resources

Community Resources

Food/Grocery Assistance

The CA Meals for Kids mobile application helps you find nearby California Afterschool and Summer Meal Programs Sites through your iOS, Android, or Microsoft devices.

Additional Resources by City:

Select the service from: Food, Food Pantries, or Grab & Go Meals at and on the page that loads, search by city in the section that reads, “Search for resources in or near a location”

General Services -

Dial 2-1-1 to be linked to any of the following services: 

  • Women, infants and children (WIC) help

  • Food and food stamps

  • Homeless shelters

  • Substance abuse

  • Prenatal care

  • Help with housing assistance

  • Help with utilities

  • Emergency housing

  • 24-hour crisis, suicide help and suicide counseling

  • Mental health services

  • Food distribution

  • Access to healthcare

  • Medical, dental help and vision clinics

  • Government assistance programs

  • Transportation assistance

  • Elder services

  • Nutrition assistance

  • Help for low-income families

  • Other youth and child care issues

**UPDATED 2/25/21** - A Comprehensive List of Resources To Give To Your Struggling Neighbors


If you or your neighbors are facing medical, financial, food-related, or any other kind of challenges due to the coronavirus outbreak, here’s your one-stop shop of resources available to residents of Santa Ana and throughout Orange County. We will update this list on a weekly basis to keep you up to date on all available resources.

COVID-19 Community Resources

CGSA Neighbor Relief Program - Neighbor Relief — Cross of Grace Santa Ana 

An emergency relief effort of Cross of Grace Santa Ana, first, for the sake of members of our church and secondarily, for the sake of neighbors who have a connection to our church. Funds have been made available to assist those whose regular income has been affected by the coronavirus to the extent that provision of food and payment of essential utilities has become an acute hardship. 

Santa Ana Resources

Santa Ana 65+ Residents COVID Vaccine Access - Call Latino Health Access at 714-805-7838 to schedule a vaccination appointment today

Santa Ana CARES - 714-667-2273 - COVID-19 Resources - A one-stop shop for a wide range of community resources for Santa Ana residents 

Santa Ana Residents Rental Assistance - - Enter your information to determine eligibility.

COVID-19 testing at Santa Ana College - ​ or call 800-446-8888

Eviction prevention for low-income residents - ​ or call 211

Rental assistance and business resources -

Medical Assistance

  • COVID-19 Testing and Screening - FDA Approved testing in OC COVID-19 Testing, 2020 - By appointment only. No out of pocket cost but your insurance may be billed later. 

  • Santa Ana COVID-19 Testing - AltaMed-Santa Ana Bristol - 888-499-9303 for appointment.

    • 2720 S. Bristol St. #104, Santa Ana

    • Mon - Sat, 9am - 3pm

  • Additional Testing in Buena Park, Orange, & San Juan Capistrano - 888-634-1123  COVID-19 Test Registration 

  • COVID-19 Hotline - 714-834-2000 

General questions regarding COVID-19

  • Health Referral Hotline - 800-564-8448

The Orange County Health Care Agency has established a Health Referral Hotline to call if you suspect you have COVID-19 symptoms or have questions about the virus.

Financial Assistance

  • Emergency Rental Assistance Program for OC Renters - - Enter your information to determine eligibility. Excludes residents of Anaheim, Santa Ana, and Irvine. 

  • Protections for Renters - The CARES Acts (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) provides certain protections from eviction and late fees due to nonpayment of rent for most tenants in federally subsidized or federally backed housing.

Protections for renters

  • Rental/Utility Assistance - Salvation Army of OC - 714-384-0481 

    • Santa Ana Office - 1710 West Edinger Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92703

    • Other cities served: Fullerton, La Habra, Yorba Linda, Brea, Placentia, Buena Park - 714-451-8080; Anaheim and Villa Park - 714-783-2344

  • Rental/Utility Assistance - Share Our Selves - 949-270-2100

Financial Assistance

  • Rental/Utility Assistance - Serving People In Need (SPIN) - 714-751-1101

Latest News for COVID-19 response; Programs for those in need

  • Rental/Utility/Misc. Assistance - St. Vincent de Paul in Orange County - 714-542-0448 The Society of St. Vincent De Paul OC

    • 1505 East Seventeenth Street Suite #109, Santa Ana, CA 92705 

    • St. Vincent de Paul provides home visits, hospital visits, food pantries and grocery distribution, financial aid for utilities, medication, household items, rent assistance, temporary housing (motel voucher), transportation (bus passes, gasoline), and clothing.

Job Opportunities - for those in need of employment due to lay-offs or temporary furlough

Childcare Assistance

Mental Health Assistance

  • OC Mental Health Hotlines - Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Resources and Services | Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

    • OC WARM Line - 877-910-6412 - Confidential 7-day a week telephone support services for anyone struggling with mental health, substance abuse, etc.

    • Community Counseling - 714-645-8000 - Short term services, Mon-Fri

    • OC-Links - 714-834-2332 - To be linked to county behavioral health services

    • Suicide Prevention Line - 800-273-8255 - 24/7 English & Spanish crisis counseling for anyone experiencing suicidal thoughts

Community Resources 

Food/Grocery Assistance

The CA Meals for Kids mobile application helps you find nearby California Afterschool and Summer Meal Programs Sites through your iOS, Android, or Microsoft devices.

Additional Resources by City:

Select the service from: Food, Food Pantries, or Grab & Go Meals at and on the page that loads, search by city in the section that reads, “Search for resources in or near a location”

General Services -

Dial 2-1-1 to be linked to any of the following services: 

  • Women, infants and children (WIC) help

  • Food and food stamps

  • Homeless shelters

  • Substance abuse

  • Prenatal care

  • Help with housing assistance

  • Help with utilities

  • Emergency housing

  • 24-hour crisis, suicide help and suicide counseling

  • Mental health services

  • Food distribution

  • Access to healthcare

  • Medical, dental help and vision clinics

  • Government assistance programs

  • Transportation assistance

  • Elder services

  • Nutrition assistance

  • Help for low-income families

  • Other youth and child care issues

LatestCGSA AssistantLatest
New Song This Sunday


This Sunday we’ll be introducing a new song during Sunday service. As we continue our journey with Paul in the Book of Acts, this Sunday’s sermon will remind us that we’re all on the journey of following Jesus. He’s called us all to follow him, and whatever comfort or security we forfeit and whatever self-denial, trial, or suffering we embrace is more than worth the cost because Christ is enough. Read through the lyrics and listen to the song before this Sunday to get acquainted with it.



Christ is my reward
And all of my devotion
Now there's nothing in this world
That could ever satisfy

Through every trial
My soul will sing
No turning back
I've been set free


Christ is enough for me
Christ is enough for me
Everything I need is in You
Everything I need

Christ my all in all
The joy of my salvation
And this hope will never fail
Heaven is our home

Through every storm
My soul will sing
Jesus is here
To God be the glory

Christ is enough for me
Christ is enough for me
Everything I need is in You
Everything I need

I have decided to follow Jesus
No turning back
No turning back

I have decided to follow Jesus
No turning back
No turning back

The cross before me
The world behind me
No turning back
No turning back

LatestCGSA AssistantLatest
New Song This Sunday


This Sunday we’ll be introducing a new song during our Sunday service. Last Sunday, we focused in on the subject of joy. The application to Sunday’s message included a directive to sing. This week, we’ll open our service by singing a song that gives expression to the joy that we derive from the hope of resurrection because of the resurrection of Christ. Read through the lyrics and listen to the song before this Sunday to get acquainted with it.



Verse 1

There is now a hope that lasts beyond our days
For the One that once was buried lives again
Now the tomb is bare and empty, and the stone is rolled away
Praise the Risen One who overcame the grave

Verse 2

All you broken-hearted, all you worn and weak
Come find living water, everlasting streams
To the wandering spirit, lost and searching
Wanting something more
Find the Risen King who overcomes the world


Let there be dancing in the darkness
And let our song break through the night
Lift your voice and sing that Christ is King
For Jesus is Alive

Verse 4

No more condemnation, no more doubt, and fear
For our sin and shame, they have no power here
In His resurrection, perfect love has set the captives free
Praise the Risen King who stands in victory

LatestCGSA AssistantLatest
Limited Children's Ministry Returning on 2/28


This past year has presented many unique challenges to parents with small children - in virtually every sector of life, the normal routine has been upended. This includes church - there has been no children’s ministry or childcare for nearly an entire year now. We’re thrilled to announce that we’re finally moving toward resuming our children’s ministry programming.


Thankfully, this hasn’t meant that children have been left without discipleship and age-appropriate teaching from God’s Word entirely. That responsibility rests biblically and primarily with parents. And we’ve seen God’s grace evidenced in the families of our church this past year in this way!


However, children’s ministry often acts as a boon and support of this discipleship. It often also frees parents of infant and toddler children to worship together with the congregation and sit under the preached Word in an undistracted way. In other words, childcare can help parents “fill up” in order to more effectively “pour out” to their kids.


We’re working on digital check-in options. Surfaces will be sanitized. Adult volunteers will wear masks.

If you have children older than two years, thanks for your patience. We’ll roll out childcare for the next age group soon. Finally, as is always the case, we’ll need volunteers. All parents with children receiving childcare will be asked to volunteer at least once a month. But all others would be welcome to volunteer as well.

Please direct any questions you might have to Pastor Jeff at

LatestCGSA AssistantLatest
**UPDATED 2/11/21** - A Comprehensive List of Resources To Give To Your Struggling Neighbors


If you or your neighbors are facing medical, financial, food-related, or any other kind of challenges due to the coronavirus outbreak, here’s your one-stop shop of resources available to residents of Santa Ana and throughout Orange County. We will update this list on a weekly basis to keep you up to date on all available resources.

COVID-19 Community Resources

CGSA Neighbor Relief Program - Neighbor Relief — Cross of Grace Santa Ana 

An emergency relief effort of Cross of Grace Santa Ana, first, for the sake of members of our church and secondarily, for the sake of neighbors who have a connection to our church. Funds have been made available to assist those whose regular income has been affected by the coronavirus to the extent that the provision of food and payment of essential utilities has become an acute hardship. 

Santa Ana Resources

Santa Ana CARES - 714-667-2273 - COVID-19 Resources - A one-stop shop for a wide range of community resources for Santa Ana residents 

Santa Ana Residents Rental Assistance - - Enter your information to determine eligibility.

COVID-19 testing at Santa Ana College - ​ or call 800-446-8888

Eviction prevention for low-income residents - ​ or call 211

Rental assistance and business resources - 

Blueprint for a Safer Economy - Blueprint for a Safer Economy - Coronavirus COVID-19 Response - Up to date information on “where” we’re at in state re-opening process at the county level. Type in “Orange” in the “County” textbox to check on the status of activities in the county. 

Medical Assistance

  • COVID-19 Testing and Screening - FDA Approved testing in OC COVID-19 Testing, 2020 - By appointment only. No out of pocket cost but your insurance may be billed later. 

  • Santa Ana COVID-19 Testing - AltaMed-Santa Ana Bristol - 888-499-9303 for an appointment.

    • 2720 S. Bristol St. #104, Santa Ana

    • Mon - Sat, 9am - 3pm

  • Additional Testing in Buena Park, Orange, & San Juan Capistrano - 888-634-1123  COVID-19 Test Registration 

  • COVID-19 Hotline - 714-834-2000 

General questions regarding COVID-19

  • Health Referral Hotline - 800-564-8448

The Orange County Health Care Agency has established a Health Referral Hotline to call if you suspect you have COVID-19 symptoms or have questions about the virus.

Financial Assistance

  • Emergency Rental Assistance Program for OC Renters - - Enter your information to determine eligibility. Excludes residents of Anaheim, Santa Ana, and Irvine. 

  • Protections for Renters - The CARES Acts (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) provides certain protections from eviction and late fees due to nonpayment of rent for most tenants in federally subsidized or federally backed housing.

Protections for renters

  • Rental/Utility Assistance - Salvation Army of OC - 714-384-0481 

    • Santa Ana Office - 1710 West Edinger Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92703

    • Other cities served: Fullerton, La Habra, Yorba Linda, Brea, Placentia, Buena Park - 714-451-8080; Anaheim and Villa Park - 714-783-2344

  • Rental/Utility Assistance - Share Our Selves - 949-270-2100

Financial Assistance

  • Rental/Utility Assistance - Serving People In Need (SPIN) - 714-751-1101

Latest News for COVID-19 response; Programs for those in need

  • Rental/Utility/Misc. Assistance - St. Vincent de Paul in Orange County - 714-542-0448 The Society of St. Vincent De Paul OC

    • 1505 East Seventeenth Street Suite #109, Santa Ana, CA 92705 

    • St. Vincent de Paul provides home visits, hospital visits, food pantries and grocery distribution, financial aid for utilities, medication, household items, rent assistance, temporary housing (motel voucher), transportation (bus passes, gasoline), and clothing. 

For those who have experienced job-layoffs or a reduction in hours/pay:

  • Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) - Pandemic Unemployment Assistance

    • Up tp 39 weeks of benefits to Californians who are: business owners, self-employed, independent contractors, or those with a limited work history who are out of business or have significantly reduced their services as a direct result of the pandemic.

  • CA Unemployment - General Number & Website - English 1-800-300-5616 - Spanish 1-800-326-8937

  • District 1 Grant for Small Businesses - Orange County: District 1 Grant Program 

    • Andrew Do’s Economic Support Grant Program is designed to assist eligible small businesses (including home-based businesses and independent contractors) and non-profits within the First District of Orange County (which includes Santa Ana, Garden Grove, Westminster, a portion of Fountain Valley, and Unincorporated Midway City) that have been affected by COVID-19. Funding will be allocated in the form of $10,000 grants.

Additional State-sponsored assistance

  • OC Social Services Agency - How to Apply

    • To apply for various aid/relief programs such as CalFresh (food stamps), CalWorks (homeless, diversion, and immediate need assistance), and General Relief (temporary cash assistance to adults without children)

    • Check your eligibility or sign-up for benefits by going to home - 

Job Opportunities

For those in need of employment due to lay-offs or temporary furlough

Childcare Assistance

Mental Health Assistance

  • OC Mental Health Hotlines - Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Resources and Services | Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

    • OC WARM Line - 877-910-6412 - Confidential 7-day a week telephone support services for anyone struggling with mental health, substance abuse, etc.

    • Community Counseling - 714-645-8000 - Short term services, Mon-Fri

    • OC-Links - 714-834-2332 - To be linked to county behavioral health services

    • Suicide Prevention Line - 800-273-8255 - 24/7 English & Spanish crisis counseling for anyone experiencing suicidal thoughts

Community Resources

Food/Grocery Assistance

The CA Meals for Kids mobile application helps you find nearby California Afterschool and Summer Meal Programs Sites through your iOS, Android, or Microsoft devices.

Additional Resources by City:

Select the service from: Food, Food Pantries, or Grab & Go Meals at and on the page that loads, search by city in the section that reads, “Search for resources in or near a location”

General Services

Dial 2-1-1 to be linked to any of the following services: 

  • Women, infants, and children (WIC) help

  • Food and food stamps

  • Homeless shelters

  • Substance abuse

  • Prenatal care

  • Help with housing assistance

  • Help with utilities

  • Emergency housing

  • 24-hour crisis, suicide help and suicide counseling

  • Mental health services

  • Food distribution

  • Access to healthcare

  • Medical, dental help and vision clinics

  • Government assistance programs

  • Transportation assistance

  • Elder services

  • Nutrition assistance

  • Help for low-income families

  • Other youth and child care issues

LatestCGSA AssistantLatest
The Spirit of God, the Timeless Establisher of Our Steps


Paul’s second missionary journey in Acts 15:36-18:22 catalogues the movement of the Holy Spirit as He leads Paul and his colaborers through multiple cities, checking in on previously-planted churches and establishing new works in new regions. However, very little of what is described by Luke on this journey is what Paul had initially intended to take place. The Spirit had different plans than Paul. What happens in your heart when God’s plans prove to be different from your own? When your plans are frustrated, upended or altogether cancelled? What does it mean to live the Spirit-led life when His leading seems to be in a different direction than where you were willing to go?

Listen to the sermon here.

Kyle HoultonLatest, Sermon