Our Annual Communion Service is Here
This Sunday, instead of meeting in the morning we’ll gather for a meal at 5:00pm. We’ll enjoy a special time of tasting and seeing that the Lord is good as we celebrate Communion over the course of a full meal. Just as the food will nourish our bodies, the Supper will nourish our souls. We’ll sing, laugh, talk, and feast to the glory of the Savior who gave his body and shed his blood to give us a seat at the table.
This is a family dinner so our kids will join us for the meal. No Children’s Ministry classes will be offered this Sunday.
You’re encouraged to invite your friends, family, and neighbors to hear, see, smell, touch, and even, taste the gospel in a special way.
Everyone is welcome to enjoy dinner and share in the common meal with us.
All those who have professed faith in Christ and been baptized are welcome to participate in Communion and receive the bread and cup with us - whether members, kids, or guests.
If you haven’t been baptized but are interested in taking this first step of the Christian life, talk to a pastor. They’d be happy to tell you more about what it means to believe in Jesus and profess your faith in his sacrificial death and victorious resurrection through baptism.
Not only will we share in the eating of a meal. We’ll share in the preparation of the meal. This is an all hands on deck event. Whether you’re a household of 1, 2, 3, 4 or more - sign up to contribute to this celebration of the grace of God in Christ.