The Means of Grace: The Lord's Day


This Sunday we began a sermon series on the means of grace. We’re turning the page on the book of James which taught us that "wisdom is the way” to wholeness in our lives. If wisdom is the way to spiritual wholeness, then the means of grace are the vehicles that get us there. The means of grace are HOW we change. The God-appointed activities to make us more like Christ. As we engage in them, they function like conduits by which heavenly grace comes to us here upon the earth. They are practical, tangible, visible, and experiential connecting points to our lives in this world that cause, empower, and enable us to live them out God’s way. 

Throughout this new series, God's word will call us to open our hands and receive his grace as we give ourselves to: 1) Our worship on the Lord’s Day, 2) The Word of God, 3) Prayer, 4) Fellowship with one another, 5) The Sacraments of Baptism and, 6) Communion, and, 7) the grace of Generosity.  God works in us through each of these grace-bringing activities to make us more like Christ - who is Wholeness Himself. We began with the Lord's Day, which is a true buffet of grace. An opportunity for us to experience all the means with an intensity and impact that just doesn’t happen the rest of the week. We were challenged to see every Sunday as remarkable and call it the best day of the week. Because each Sunday is a day for resting in grace. A day for remembering and rejoicing in grace. And a day that orders our lives according to a rhythm of grace. 


Sermons, LatestCGSA Assistant