Living Under the Law of Liberty


This Sunday, we capped off our journey in James - a book filled to the brim with Spirit-inspired, God-breathed, timelessly-true wise counsel from Pastor James - by approaching the book from a counselor's point of view. Guest preacher, Pete Payne from our sister church in Westminster, CO not only taught us about counseling, but showed us how to counsel by applying the letter of James to real-life scenarios: Getting to the root of anger in a brother’s heart, helping a sister to see what’s really causing her conflicts, patiently encouraging the grumbler at the church potluck, coming alongside the suffering saint to remind them to “count it all joy” when they encounter trials - again and again and again.

All the while, impressing upon our hearts that in every situation we encounter - every trial, every conflict, every weeping brother, rejoicing sister, or grumbling friend - God is at work. He set the meeting. He planned the interaction. And in all these moments, he’s given us the amazing privilege of speaking his words to one another. Pointing out when there’s something that just shouldn’t be, and holding out the freedom that comes from living under “the law of liberty.” Our Wonderful Counselor himself, stands ready to inject his grace into every situation and make each intersection of his people a redemptive one.


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