The Purpose of Trials
JAMES 1:1-4
This Sunday, we began our sermon series in the Book of James. A letter written to one of the earliest expressions of the New Testament Church, which contains timeless wisdom from God. One that comes to us today in order to bridge the gap between who we are now and where we want to be. To lead us down the path of spiritual wholeness. To make our lives in God’s world “work” the way we long for them to do so. James kicks things off by squaring with the reality that some way or another, all of us are going through it. Facing trials of various kinds. Finding life to be filled with hard things. Into this unpleasant experience, James proclaims the good news that these trials are not obstacles to who and where we want to be, but the vehicles God uses to get us there. Through faith in the Savior who was tested, tried, and ran the race with perfect endurance before us, we have confidence that God will get us through the hard things we face. What’s more, that he’s purposing every hard thing to bring about a good thing.