The Power of Prayer

god’s means of caring for us

Last week, we heard about patiently enduring the trials in our lives. Waiting upon God to bring forth the slow fruit of suffering and bring in that Day when suffering is no more. But what do we do while we wait? Practically speaking, what do you do when you’re suffering or sick? Drink herbal tea, take medicine, go to the doctor, lay in bed all day? How about anxious, depressed, overwhelmed? Do you withdraw from those who care for you? Internalize every problem? Scrutinize every thought and action? When you're pained by the danger a straying brother or sister is facing? When your personal comfort is far from ideal, what’s your first reaction? Is it to fix the problem yourself? Is it to resign and accept it as your lot? Is it to fight and resist with everything you have, hating even the thought of it? OR, is it to pray? Casting yourself upon the power and mercies of God. Inviting others to join you in doing the same. In this final passage of James, God's wisdom counsels us to make prayer our first response. To bring him into everything, because prayer is God's means of caring for us in the midst of anything. His gracious instrument to shape our hearts and make us whole.


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