Are You Spiritually Barren?


In a land and among a people full of chaos and disorder, 1 Samuel begins with the introduction of a woman who is empty and barren. On Sunday, Pastor Kyle introduced us to Hannah, the mother of Samuel - the judge and prophet that the book is named for - who is unable to realize her deepest desire of having a child. She is bitterly distressed and deeply saddened facing a situation that is beyond her ability to resolve. More than this, Hannah’s barrenness reflects the barren spiritual state of Israel, and the barren state of our own hearts as well. We too experience the barrenness of soul that comes from our deepest desires going unfulfilled, struggling with nagging sin that we cannot shake, or suffering afflictions we cannot remedy on our own. How do we deal with our barrenness? Like Hannah, we need to turn to the King in our need and pour ourselves out in prayer. She came to God in her emptiness and he fulfilled her desire for a son. But more than this, in addition to offering our prayers, we need to offer our lives in service to the King. Having come with nothing and received everything, Hannah responded by giving it all back to God. Her life was one of living sacrifice to God because she realized that we’re never more full of joy than when we’ve poured ourselves out for the glory of our good and gracious King.

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