We Need A Better Prophet


You may think of a “prophet” as someone who predicts the future, but in Israel, a prophet was one who received God’s word and revealed them to God’s people. Sometimes this included foretelling the future, but more often than not, it was a ministry of forth-telling the truths of God’s character, will, and ways to his people. Why? Because without God’s word, we can’t see the path that leads to death or find the way that leads to life. God used the prophets to turn on the lights for his people, alert them to the danger of walking in the darkness, and lead them back to the light of God’s grace and truth. Because, what good is it to have a better King if we don’t know the way into his Kingdom? What good is a better King if we don’t know how to walk in his ways? Like Israel, left to ourselves, darkness is common (1 Sam 3:1), we think we know the way, and our eyes and hearts are darkened. In 1 Samuel 3, God raised up Samuel as a torch who would light the way and lead that generation of Israel from ruin to restoration. Yet, the light that Samuel shined in that generation ultimately pointed to another, greater light that would shine in the darkness, give life to all who beheld him, and fully and finally declare the truth that would bring everlasting change. Listen to last Sunday’s sermon to learn more.

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