Jesus Has Commanded Us To Make Disciples


Jesus has placed us in Santa Ana for a reason - He’s called us to make disciples in this city, baptizing them and teaching them all that Jesus commanded. This isn’t a suggestion Jesus has given us - it’s a command; a commission. He alone has authority to send us. But He alone also provides what we need to go and have the confidence to go and to have any hope of actually accomplishing what He has sent us out to do. He has promised His presence and that changes everything. This last Sunday, we heard God’s Word preached from Matthew 28:18-20. God stirred our hearts by His Spirit to take the Gospel of His grace to our unbelieving friends and neighbors.

For security reasons related to Sunday’s guest preacher, the sermon was not recorded - either via audio or video. However, here are a few resources to continue your learning and progress toward walking in obedience to the Great Commission in all of life:

Sermons, LatestCGSA Assistant