Register for ¡Confident Conversations!- Our 2021 Spring Class


Our 2021 Spring Class starts in less than two weeks on March 22! This year’s Spring Class is meant to equip us to live better together with our Spanish-speaking church members, friends, and neighbors. Whether you don’t know any Spanish but are eager to press into the lives of Spanish-speaking friends and neighbors, or you took 3 years in high school but are too shy to ever use it day to day, this is a class for you. Even if you’re a fluent Spanish speaker, we’d welcome you to join and be an encouragement to those seeking to learn. All levels of Spanish-learners are welcome to join and grow in both the knowledge and confidence that are needed to have real and regular Spanish conversations.

The format will be 6 class sessions, held every other week (2nd and 4th Mondays of each month) at 7:00 pm in-person, in the Schlieder backyard. These class sessions will be a hybrid of a lecture-based learning approach, interactive activities and language learning exercises, and real conversations that pair Spanish-learning and Spanish-speaking church members together.

In preparation for the class, there will be no book assigned to read. Everything will be covered in the sessions and the only materials you’ll need will be something to write with, a notebook, and the willingness to press into the unfamiliar!