Our Liturgy - "What We Do" Is Far More Than Just "What We Do"

On Sunday, we had the joy of hearing the preached word from our own Kevin Ing.

Leadership development is a high priority of the pastoral team at Cross of Grace (2 Tim. 2:22). Where God has gifted and called, we aim to give opportunities for the formation of those gifts, whether they be teaching, serving, leading ministries, etc.

Kevin comes with a robust educational background, having earned his Masters of Divinity from Westminster Theological Seminary (CA). But the most important thing the Lord gave us on Sunday was not a sermon from a learned individual, but the preaching of the Gospel from a man who loves what Jesus has created in the local church and wants others to be able to appreciate the reconciling effects of the Gospel in the church as well. Listen to his sermon from Ephesians 2:12-22 to hear more.


Below is a reproduction of the chart used near the end of Sunday’s sermon: