The Christ of Christmas: Prophet


Prophets are those who received God’s words and spoke them to God’s people. God’s people of old needed them because without them they’d live in ignorance. They wouldn’t know the will of God or the way they could return to God when they’d fail to keep his will. The prophets pointed the people back to God the King and his appointed priests. We need them because as Thomas Edison once said, all “mankind is incurably religious,” and by nature we’re all bent to serve kings and seek out priests who will keep us in good standing with them. We all seek out someone or something to follow and worship. But, apart from the light of God’s word breaking into our darkness, we’ll never receive or be reconciled to the one true God.

This is why Jesus came. He came and fulfilled the office of prophet in order to provide the truth without which we can’t make sense of life. But even more than that, he came to announce the truth without which we could not be made alive - set free from sin and death in order to live with God both now and forever. Jesus is the ultimate prophet who came to most fully and finally reveal the truth about: what God wants, who God is, and how sinful and separated man, could be reconciled to him. Listen to the second message in our 2021 Advent sermon series from Hebrews 1:1-4 to learn more.


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