Our Christmas Party is 2 Days Away!


We’re having a Cast of Christmas Party and you’re invited! Join us for an evening of fun and fellowship as we celebrate the birth of Christ by enjoying a meal and some friendly competition! Come dressed to impress as your favorite Christmas character (pop-culture, traditional, biblical*, or whatever you interpret as a Christmas character) and compete to win the highly-coveted, “Costume of Christmas” Award!

Here are some more details about our activities for the evening:

  1. Costume Contest - Compete to win the “Costume of Christmas” Award in the following 4 categories: 1. Kids, 2. Best Overall, 3. Most Creative, 4. Most Obscure/Least Recognizable. Can’t wait to see this Cast of Christmas assemble!

  2. White Elephant Gift Exchange - We’ll have 2 gift exchanges, one for the kids and one for adults. Please bring a pre-wrapped & unlabelled gift to enter into the exchange. For the kids, just grab something from around the house. For adults, there’s a $5 spending limit, but we encourage you to find something fun around the house if you can.

  3. Potluck - This party is brought to you, by you! We’re calling upon you to help us have plenty of tasty Christmas treats to eat and drink. Bonus points will be assigned if your costume pairs with your dish! To sign up for the potluck, click here.

Contact us if you have any questions.

*Please be sure to keep any portrayal of biblical characters reverent and respectful!

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