Welcoming Our Newest Members


Paul says in Ephesians 4:25 that we are one body, yet “members one of another”. So, think of church membership not so much as “membership in a club” and more as an expression of commitment to the people around you. The Bible is full of “one anothers” - commands toward believers to act in godliness toward other people. What Scripture makes clear is that these “others” refer to a specific group of people and not all people generally. These others are the men and women identified in a particular local church. As members of Cross of Grace Santa Ana, we have the privilege of living out the Christian life with one another. We celebrate and grieve with one another. We build deep relationship with one another. We join arms to advance the joy of Jesus in a particular neighborhood with one another. We help one another pursue holiness. We remind one another of the sweetness of the gospel.

In light of this, we praise God for the new members, Keiren Wright, Manny Mora, Daniel Umoru, Nidia Manzano, Anna Forslund, and Carson Turbedsky, we had the joy of introducing this last Sunday. Be encouraged by what new members, Keiren & Manny, had to share with us during their new member testimony:

For the past few years at school, we didn’t really have a church community, and after graduating it became clear that was a big hole in our Christian walk, both individually and together. Growing up at Sovereign Grace Church of Pasadena, I (Keiren) loved the teaching of Sovereign Grace Churches, and Christian and Kara had invited us to check out Cross of Grace Santa Ana. You guys immediately were so welcoming into your lives and community together, you’ve already prayed with us and invited us into your homes. We’ve already played sports with a lot of you as well! We loved how the pastors preach about outreach and you guys actually live it out. We’d been looking for a community of people we could walk with and learn from and share the good news with together, and we’re really happy to be able to join Cross of Grace!

We look forward to joining our new members in spreading the joy of Jesus in Downtown Santa Ana!

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