Last Call for Feedback

One of the many important updates we shared during our recent Members Meeting was the announcement of Jason Roenicke’s ordination service! On January 21, 2024 we’re planning to ordain him as a pastor at Cross of Grace Santa Ana. He’s humbly submitted himself to a process of evaluation and assessment, read page upon page, passed his exams with flying colors, and served our church faithfully and joyfully for the past 3 years. All that remains to do is to hear from you one last time. Before you receive Jason as your pastor and he’s formally installed as a leader in our church, we’re giving you a final opportunity to provide your assessment of his leadership, character and influence in the church. So far, we’ve heard nothing but positive feedback. We’re grateful to God for the work that seems to be evidenced in his life. However, we won’t assume we’ve heard everything from you. Maybe it’s nothing but good and providing evidence of God’s grace. If so, go ahead and tell us. We want to be prudent where we need to be prudent and celebrate where we can celebrate.


Missed the Members Meeting? Please reach out to a pastor to learn about some important updates in the life of our church. Watch the blog for more details to come.

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