Jesus Saves From the Wrath of God

If You Don’t Understand The Wrath of God, You Can’t Make Any Sense of The Gospel

This past Sunday, we were treated in all kinds of ways - we were able to Livestream our service from our new Sunday home - the Ebell Club of Santa Ana. We also heard from the wisdom of Jim Cunningham. Further, we were able to hear him teach compassionately, yet courageously on a subject we might not have expected we needed to hear during this crazy season. Jim reminded us from Romans 1 that the greatest threat to humanity has nothing to do with the crises of 2020, whether it’s massive wildfires, a pandemic or even racism, deplorable as it is. The greatest threat to humanity is God’s wrath. And it threatens everybody. But contained within the pages of Scripture is also the only solution to the greatest threat - the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Take 40 minutes out of your day and listen to a message that everyone - Christian or non-Christian, could do well to listen to.

Listen to this week’s sermon here.

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