Waiting on God in the Wilderness - Moses

A New Series To Help You Understand, Persevere In and Trust God In The Current Season

As we remain in a season of the effects of a global pandemic dictating new norms for daily life, social and political turmoil and the regular everyday challenges of life, it can become difficult to know where this is all going. Or if God is doing anything at all. This past Sunday, as we began our series concerning the Biblical concept of “wilderness”, we learned that every wilderness is a part of and subsumed by the first wilderness experience - the exile from the Garden of Eden because of sin. We also learned that because of God’s redemption, those who trust in Christ are being led bak to Eden as we walk through the wilderness. We also learned from the first of 6 characters in Scripture who walked through a distinct wilderness of their own - Moses. Moses stands as an example of how God will oftentimes use the wilderness to divest of worldly influence and prosperity in order to make us useful for His Kingdom. Listen to this week’s sermon and consider what God might be stripping you of during this season of wilderness to make you useful for His Kingdom.

Listen to this week’s sermon here.

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