Spend the Week Praying for Others


Thank you for responding and sending them. We’re so used to knowing one another’s needs through experiencing regular fellowship. We talk to one another on Sunday morning. We share life together at small group. We host one another in our homes. We can’t do any of that right now. It’s important to know, however, how to pray for one another and to ask the Lord to guide us, sustain us and encourage us each individually in this season. Here are the prayer requests from this past week (anonymity is maintained):

  1. Pray for wisdom for pastors and leaders in our church and our sister churches as they move forward with making decisions about meeting based on Govenor Newsom’s Monday announcement .

  2. Continue to pray for wisdom and godly motivation for our federal, state and local leaders as they continue to work together to determine the best way forward.

  3. Continue to pray for first responders and essential services workers.

  4. Continue to pray for little Simon as he continues to battle cancer and prepares for the next steps of treatment.

  5. Praise God for providing work for Seth after time spent interviewing and finding the right fit.

  6. Pray for the Houlton family as they prepare to bring a little one into their home on Monday.

  7. Pray for the requests of individuals who have shared them on our church Slack prayer channel. If you have questions about how to be added to this, email office@sovgracesantaana.org


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