***Church Update*** Our Tentative Reopening Timeline

What We’ve Longed For For Months Is Now On The Near Horizon

Yesterday, May 25, Governor Gavin Newsom announced that churches may resume gatherings, provided that gatherings do not exceed 25% of a building’s capacity or a maximum of 100 people. This order, however, comes with detailed, stringent and extensive health and safety guidelines. Since we are eager to be together again, will be meeting in a new venue, learning how to apply and execute these guidelines and considering the safety and health of church members and neighbors, we’ll resume in-person midweek meetings immediately, yet follow a phased approach to resuming our in-person Sunday gatherings. This is due, in part, to the fact that Governor Newsom and the state of California will be reviewing the order to open churches on June 15 and may, in fact repeal the order if the evidence shows that infections are spiking. Thus, the following is Sovereign Grace Church of Santa Ana’s current reopening plan:

  1. Mid-Week Meetings May Resume - Outdoors and According to Guidelines

    Effective immediately, regularly-scheduled mens, womens and small group meetings will begin meeting in person. These meetings will occur outdoors until further notice, with 6 feet of social distance between each member present and in observance of CA Guidelines. Childcare will not be provided.

  2. Sunday Services

Sunday, May 31: Final “Living Room” Livestream

Our final livestream at the Houlton Home as we conclude our series in 1 Thessalonians series. This decision has been made so as not to “jump the gun”; we want to maintain the impression with our neighbors that we’re concerned for their health.

Since gathering for worship is now allowed however, if you do choose to gather with one or two families from the church to watch the service together at someone’s home, please be mindful of and observe the California Guidelines set in place.

6/7: Livestream From The Ebell - Public Worship Team and Team Leads Only

This will be our first Sunday in the Ebell Club of Santa Ana, yet it will still be live-streamed. All Sunday team leads will be on-site (7-10 people total), however, to learn about Sunday setup in the new venue and about implementation of the extensive measures needed to implement CA Guidelines. Again, if you watch the service with one or two other families from the church, please observe the guidelines.

6/14: “Training Sunday” - Livestream From The Ebell With All Sunday Teams

While this service will again be live-streamed from the Ebell, all Sunday Team members (15-20 people total) will be invited to join in person for the sake of training on implementation of CA Guidelines. Again, if you’re not a member of a Sunday team and choose to watch the service with one or two other families from the church, please observe the guidelines.

6/21: “Reunion” Sunday - Our First Full In-Person Service

Oh joyous day.

This will be our first completely open, everybody is invited, in-person Sunday service. All Sunday team members will be trained and equipped to ensure that our gathering is as safe as possible. What a delight this will be to finally be together and to do so with confidence that we’re able to do so safely and compassionately.

Please submit any questions or concerns to kyle@sovgracesantaana.org and continue to pray for your leaders as we seek to hold in balance the preciousness of our meetings, the health of our neighbors, our submission to governing authorities, all while seeking to honor our Lord.

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