Test Everything Against What You Know Is God's Voice

You’re Being Barraged With Information

You and I and everyone else have an innate desire to know. During this season of crisis, that desire is oftentimes intensified. But in a world and in a time when information is more abundant and available for immediate access than ever before, where do you go for the best information?

Know Which Information is the Best Information

Since God is the origin and source of truth, we need to limit our information diet as much as possible to whatever comes from Him. In this week’s message from 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22, we discover that God speaks through the men and women around you who are filled with His Spirit. We need to listen for God’s voice in them. However, we would all do well to constantly test everything, including social media and the news, against what we know beyond a shadow of a doubt is God’s voice.

Listen to this week’s sermon here.

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