What is Everyone Up To?
Life is rapidly changing for everyone. People are working from home, kids are home from school and overall adjusting to being limited to staying in their homes . Events, hangouts, and parties are canceled. It’s tough. We wanted to provide a little window into some of these changes as a reminder that we’re all in this together.
Below we’ve included photos from members with a short note. If you’d like to be included in a future blog post, please send a picture to photos@sovgracesantaana.org with a brief description.
I’m officing full time out of Silas’ bedroom, since Kelsey already works from home at our “home office”. The desk under the bunk bed is a suitable place to work, though! The kids are loving having both mom and dad home, but it’s been more difficult than expected to find a new routine that balances everyone’s schedule. - Kyle Houlton
“In this time it was my goal to engage my students and give them an opportunity to come together and express themselves musically and perform for others. I put this video together of them playing a song I wrote- here’s the video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfEXhq2Iz3Q&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR2jfnsu2c73opL8At_vhw-edwVe7zTc3CF53ScYjWeBW2AoFNcVHZsf_uE” - Mike Alvarez
“Rayanne and I have been having a lot of fun baking together. Last Sunday we made cinnamon coffee cake before church! “ - Krista Alvarez
“The wedding is on. Thank you all for praying! I am working on wedding stuff and here’s Jim’s project.” - Angie Cunningham
“Kyle is working from home so we are just laying low and hanging out with this little girl! She got some cool new shades from my aunt.” - Cat Roche