Knowing One Another's Needs


Thank you for responding and sending them. We’re so used to knowing one another’s needs through experiencing regular fellowship. We talk to one another on Sunday morning. We share life together at small group. We host one another in our homes. We can’t do any of that right now. It’s important to know, however, how to pray for one another and to ask the Lord to guide us, sustain us and encourage us each individually in this season. Here are the prayer requests from this past week (anonymity is maintained):

  1. Please continue to pray. Sammy and Veronica have decided to postpone the big celebration and have a small backyard ceremony next Saturday. Please pray for wisdom as we try to work out details and good health for us all. Thank you for walking through this process with us. We feel your love and support and faith! Pray for our son’s wedding; still haven’t finalized a place. Pray the wedding would honor the Lord and be extra special for Veronica and Sammy.

  2. Praying for the staff and residents of the Orange County Rescue Mission as well as the staff and residents at homeless shelters in the city of Santa Ana. Asking the Lord to give wisdom to the leaders and staff to keep those in their care healthy that outbreaks of COVID-19 among an already vulnerable population living in close quarters would be prevented. Asking the Lord to protect these high density communities as well as those who work in them.

  3. My nephew’s 3-year-old son, Simon, is receiving his first round of intense chemo right now because he has brain cancer.  Please pray for healing and protection for his hearing, vision and cognitive function 


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