God Calls The Whole You to Holiness

Holiness - A True Sexual Revolution In A Sexually Permissive World

This past Sunday, Jeff Schlieder preached from 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 - a passage which deals with the temptations to sexual immorality present within the first century church at Thessalonica. While the “sexual revolution” taking place in our modern world might seem at times like a new level of normalization of sinful behavior that the world has never seen the likes of, the reality is that sexual permissiveness has often been the norm in our fallen world throughout history. It certainly was in First-century Greece, even more-so than today.

What is truly revolutionary, though, is the standard of purity, the standard of marital fidelity, the standard of holiness introduced into this fallen world through God’s Word. This standard is no mere written list of rules, but is based ion our very union with Christ and in the Trinity itself. Take an hour out of your day and be reminded of the Gospel reality that the whole you is called to holiness.

Listen to this week’s sermon here.

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