March 15 Sunday Gathering Cancelled

Why This Decision?

  1. Because Submitting To Our Governing Authorities Is An Expression of Trusting and Obeying the Lord

    In the midst of critiques of excessive hype and panic, we have to ask ourselves, “what does it mean to be the local church in a time like this? How do we honor God in Santa Ana?” We can’t cure the virus. We can’t answer everybody’s questions about it. We can’t quell the world’s panic. We can trust the Lord.

    One way that we can trust the Lord is by submitting to our governing authorities. Romans 13:1 instructs Christians to submit to the governing authorities above us … because they’ve been instituted by God Himself. If our lawmakers and governors don’t instruct us to violate God’s Word, it’s our joyful responsibility to submit to them out of trust in the Lord.

    Governor Gavin Newsom has recommended that gatherings smaller than 250 people should not gather in person if a “6 foot social space” cannot be enforced. This recommendation is only effective insofar as people follow it.

    We have to opportunity as a church to joyfully follow this recommendation as we trust the Lord.

  2. Because We Love and Care About Our Santa Ana Neighbors

    The leaders of this church aren’t public health experts. We don’t know the dangers and threats of this virus. We don’t know the specifics about screening, treatment or containment. Those who do know those things have recommended a particular response to the virus for the sake of curtailing its spread. This is being done for the safety and good of our neighbors. Our decision to abide by these recommendations is intended to a statement to our community that we love and care for our community. We are a neighborhood church that exists to spread the Joy of Jesus for the good of our neighbors. This decision is an expression of just that.

  3. Because While Gathering in Person Is Ideal, the Heart of Our Gathering is Still Possible

    Through the advent of modern technological advances, we can still worship “together” in these unique circumstances. We can sing together, listen to God’s Word preached together and pray together. Our prayer, in fact, is that the Lord would teach us and deepen our understanding of the nature of essential Christian principles such as worship, fellowship and discipleship.

    Keep an eye on our facebook page for announcements of how to tune into our 10:30am Facebook live livestream service.

  4. Because God is Our Refuge and Strength

    We want to be very clear - we are not “hiding” from the virus out of fear. We are playing our part in our Santa Ana community to promote community health, out of respect for our governing authorities and love for our neighbors.

    We, of all people, have no reason to panic. The earth is groaning under the weight of the effects of sin. The groans are particularly loud right now. But Jesus has defeated sin. Jesus has defeated death. The Lord is our Refuge and Strength. Our sense of safety, security and well-being comes from knowing that He has declared the beginning from the end and is working in His sovereign power, even now, to accomplish His redemptive purposes in Christ Jesus.

***Look To The Blog At The Beginning of Next Week For Further Updates Regarding Our Gatherings Through the Month of March***

Kyle Houlton