The Cast of Christmas: Us


1 Pet. 1:3-9 describes both the gifts God has given in Christ and the promised gifts yet to be received. At His first coming (or “Advent”), Jesus came bearing new birth, forgiveness from sin and the gift of His Spirit, all of which we receive through faith in His name now. Yet, there are still gifts - namely an eternal inheritance, which we have yet to receive, but which God has promised to us when His Son returns (the second “Advent”). So as receivers of these gifts and promises, how do we live in the in-between? In the face of a 2021 that’s likely to look a whole lot like 2020, how do the gifts and promises of the two advents inform how we live in between the two advents? Listen to the final sermon in our 2020 Christmas series to learn more.

Listen to this week’s sermon here.

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