God's Sovereignty - The Church's Timeless Confidence


In Acts 5:17-42, Peter and the Apostles are arrested for preaching the name of Jesus for the second time in two chapters. Yet, this time, before they can stand trial before the council, God miraculously intervenes through an angel and busts them out of prison. Yet, the next day, after being found in the Temple preaching once again, they are indeed brought before the council and consequently severely beaten to ensure they stay quiet. As they limp away from the Temple grounds, Luke records that they “rejoice that they were counted worthy to suffer …” Might they have been tempted to be confused at what God was up to in releasing them from prison only to be beaten? Yes. What, then, gave them such a strong confidence and joy no matter what befell them? The same thing that stands as Church’s timeless confidence and your own unshakeable confidence - God’s sovereignty.

Listen to this week’s sermon here.

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